
Our Services

Living Waters Assembly of God

Living Waters is an Assembly of God church. We have a good mixture of many who feel at home here. You don't have to be a member to attend or get involved. You don't have to change to attend Living Waters. You see, there are no perfect people who attend here. God is working on all of us. We have a wonderful Children's Ministry. (Background checks are standard for all workers) You may not be able to attend every Service so, we have an online ministry called Right Now Media (similar to Netflix) you can keep up with us as we study different subjects. If you have any more questions, please email us and we will be glad to answer them.

Living Waters Hilo

9:30am - Sundays
89 Maikai Street

Living Waters Honomu

7:30am - Sundays
Honomu Hongwanji

Living Waters Prayer

6:30pm - Wednesdays
89 Maikai Street

Our Mission... A.L.O.H.A.

To reach the Abandoned Lost Overlooked Hurting and Abused.

Our History...

The founder of this church was Ignacio Gualderama, who was born in 1903 in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. His conversion was as follows... As he was attending a cottage meeting where his sister-in-law was sharing how the Lord had touched her life and wanted all of her family and friends to know of God's goodness. As she went around the room asking others to share, she asked him if he would like to share anything God has done for him. He stood up and as he did he saw a book in front of him with the pages being turned by an unseen hand. This book revealed his past, present and future. Being caught up with this vision he began to speak. Right then the Holy Spirit fell on him with such force he fell to his knees and began to sob uncontrollably. This encounter with God was so strong he wept all the way home and spent several hours after the meeting weeping. The following week he didn't feel like eating and spent it weeping, fasting and praying. During this time the Holy Spirit revealed to him in dreams what would happen to him and his family. Hilo Calvary Church was born (1940-1984) with several families. They used to meet in the basement of a small house and when it was apparent the facilities were getting too small a family donated 1 acre of land to this growing church. With the need to build a building to house this growing church the elders decided to sell two portions of this land in order to pay for a portion of the new sanctuary. On June 22, 1961 this new building was dedicated with about 200 attending the celebration. Many of the local churches came to celebrate with Hilo Calvary. Brother Gualderama eventually turned the church over to his Japanese son-in-law, Hiroshi Imaizumi, who spoke Spanish as though he was Puerto Rican. Brother Hiroshi received the Lord through his relationship with Brother Gualderama as Hiroshi helped him with gathering bamboo for his rake making business. This is how Hiroshi met Margaret Gualderama and eventually married her. Today, Sister Margaret Imaizumi is the only original member who attends regularly. After many years of fruitful ministry Pastor Hiroshi Imaizumi suffered a stroke and felt that he was not able to lead the church in a way which the people deserved so, in 1984 he and an elder turned the church over to the Hawaii Assemblies of God. The Superintendent of the Hawaii Assemblies of God, Woodrow Yasuhara, appointed a young minister by the name of Harry Pishura to the post as Pastor. This is when the new minister and his new board of directors changed the name of the church to Living Waters Assembly of God. You see, it was a traumatic time for all involved. This little church was experiencing the death of one very familiar way of doing things and yet many were excited about the new life it would experience with their new Leadership and Minister. In 1989 Pastor John L. Trusdell, Jr. was asked by the Hawaii Assemblies of God to fill the vacancy created by Pastor Pishura. Little did everyone know God's hand was orchestrating every move, because God was already speaking to Pastor John about doing a great work with and for Him.

Our Present...

Living Waters Assembly of God has experience growth and decline over the past 26+years since Pastor John's appointment. Since Pastor John has take the helm, Living Waters has experienced as many as 141 in attendance to and average of 75 today. Living Waters supports many missionaries and mission endeavors each year with 10%+ of our annual income and have created a safe place for the whole family to grow, learn, be encouraged and dream. Living Waters presently meets in two (2) locations on Sunday Morning and for Bible studies during the week. Our offices are located at 89 Maikai St. Hilo, Hawaii where our 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning service is held and our 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer is held. Our other location is in the town of Honomu, Hawaii at the Honomu Hongwanji. We used to meet in Mr. Ed's Bakery. This service is held each Sunday at 7:30 a.m. with a bible study at Mr. Ed's Bakery on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.

Our Future...

Our goal is to fulfill God's plan by having 100% of His church involved with praying, discipleship, serving and giving. This will set the foundation for a Community based, Education minded, Morally Sound, Excellent facility geared towards serving "whosoever" or whoeva!. Please keep us in your prayers.

Our Events

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Hilo Kids Party

Community Outreach
October 31st
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Candle Light Service

Special Services
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Convoy of Hope

Community Outreach
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Easter Service

Special Services
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Food Pantry

Community Outreach
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Pastor Appreciation Day

Special Services
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Hilo Kids Party

Hilo Kids Party
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Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope

Our Ministries

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Children's Church

Our goal is to come alongside parents to assist with the purpose, calling and vision for their little one's future. We strive to equip and train children to find their strengths and help with their weaknesses. Every worker has had a background check. Every hero started out as a child so, we see our task as an important one. Feel free to call our office if you have any questions.

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Men's Ministry

We meet the Second Saturday of each month for breakfast and fellowship at 6:30 a.m. at Mr. Ed's Bakery in the town of Honomu. Call 963-5000. We also volunteer to clean the Honomu Community Cemetery after our breakfast on the second Saturday. If you have equipment (Lawn Tractor, Lawn mower, Weed Eater, etc.) we provide the gasoline. (Please bring your own 2cycle oil if needed).

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Women's Ministry

For the ladies... you are very welcomed to join us as we leave Aloha in the wake of all we do. We meet on the 4th Sunday of each month after church for Fun, Food and Fellowship. For more information call 808-959-9524.

Verses to live by